Relationship Education And Domestic Abuse Prevention Tuition – READAPT

Program: Daphne III


READAPT is a two year project part-funded under the European Commissions’ DAPHNE violence prevention programme. It is concerned with supporting and enhancing the resilience of young people living with violence at home. READAPT addresses the question of what works with young people living with violence by providing a robust evaluation of the attitudinal change induced by three different grassroots preventative projects located in the UK, France and Spain. READAPT seeks to extract lessons learnt from these evaluations in order to :

  • revise practice in the host sites;
  • assist a new country (Malta) to develop new interventions;
  • establish good practice guidance with the assistance of the experts in Sweden;
  • disseminate information about a successful violence prevention programme across Europe

READAPT will produce an Education and Training Resource Pack, Research Evaluation Toolkit, Project Brochure and Website to support Regional and EU wide development.
This is the first time a DAPHNE project will address the issues of how best to enhance children’s resilience through the use of quasi-experimental methods applied to relationship education and domestic abuse prevention tuition programmes. READAPT is innovative because it attends to the development of preventative educational programmes for young people through a robust cycle of implementation, evaluation, and development work, supported by a strong EU wide dissemination strategy. This cycle will ensure effective but piecemeal development across the partner sites involved, and promote sustainable and evidence led developments across the EU.
The project’s specific objectives involve:

  1. Sharing lessons learnt between partners established in anti-violence education work, those developing existing provision, a new 
    member state planning to develop country wide provision, and a partner conducting ground-breaking research on children’s social networks and social services responses to children’s exposure to domestic violence.
  2. Evaluating three grassroots schools’ based interventions for children and young people using a quantitative pre-test post-test design.
  3. Engaging children in evaluating the interventions through focus groups and user group consultation.
  4. Developing training packs that will enable practitioners – i.e. teachers, teaching assistants, social workers – and policymakers to (a) learn from the experiences of these projects (b) evaluate the effectiveness of their interventions.
  5. Establishing web-based resources to support EU dissemination and ongoing support for project participants.

Direct beneficiaries include children and young people, families living with violence, grass roots projects involved in READAPT.  Indirect beneficiaries include educators across the EU, and those commissioning violence prevention education interventions, the research community, equalities bodies, and all other organizations concerned with the prevention of violence against women and children.

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